Gender Sensitization Training (5th to 10th Jan2011)
Training Report:
The CAIM programm had organized Gender Sensitization Training organized for Programme staff and Implementing Agencies in during 5th to 10th January 2011 at Anandwan (the place which is famous due to the Great Social Worker, Dr. Baba Amte),Varora, Dist Chandrapur.
The entrie training was divided in two batches, first batch was during 5th to 7th January 2011 and second on 8th to 10th January 2011. The total no. of participant was 50 for 1st batch was 26 and for second batch was 24 respectively.
The Resource Persons for the training were- Nirmala Sathe, Aalochana Centre for Documentation and Research on Women, Pune, · Lata Pratibha Madhukar, Program Coordinator, National Centre for Advocacy and Studies, Pune, · Mohan Hirabai Hiralal
First day:-
The training began with a prayer “Etni shakti hume dena data”. Followed by introduction remarks of Sangita Shete, Gender Expert-CAIM, who explained the objective of the training and schedule of the training.
The Participants were requested to introduce themeselves with their present name, present place and name in the childhood and place and the reason behind the change of place was explained by each participant.
The reason behind this exercise was the name of men remains unchanged throughout his life and name of women changes after her marriage and change in place for men is due to job/service and for women is majorly marriage.
Mother is natural guardian but in our name there is no name of mother. Hence there is need to have a thinking on this.
The first session was delivered by the Resource Person i.e. understanding gender.
Participants were divided into 4 groups and the exercise is taken for understanding the difference between gender and sex. In this four topics were given to group i.e in a family there is birth of male baby, birth of female baby, 10yrs old girl and 12 yrs old boy and asked them to draw a subject specific picture on drawing sheet without using alphabets and then asked the other group to identify the theme. After the presentation of all groups the discussion was held about the natural difference between male and female and the culturally and socially expectations in upbringing and then the concept of sex and gender was well explained by the Resource Person.
The second session was conducted on” Construction of stereotypes by Feminity and Masculinity”. In this session first of all one exercise of “Match the Pair “is given to all participants. In this exercise the names of men and women were given on one side and characteristics/ stereotypes were given on other side. After completion of this exercise open discussion was held on construction of stereotypes. And the construction of stereotypes by Feminity and Masculinity was well explained by the Resource Person.
The third session was conducted on “Social construction of Gender”. In this session the inequalities existing in the society based on caste, religion, sex and economic status was explained by Resource Person. During this session the exercise of Agree/Disagree was conducted.
The fourth session was conducted to understand the power distributed in the society based on social construction. The Power Game was conducted to understand the most vulnerable and neglected component of the society and to integrate this component in the target beneficiary of the CAIM Project. It also explained the position and condition of women and men with reference to caste, sex and economic status in the society.
The fifth session was conducted on the “Violence and Women” in which various forms of violence were explained. In any type of violence women is victim at major extent.
Second Day:-
The second day started with Prayer and followed by the Recap of first day through exercise of answering and questioning by forming two groups.
First session was held on “Understanding Patriarchy”. First of all participants were divided into 4 groups and the themes i.e Family, School, Hospital & Grampanchayat were given to groups and asked to do the role play on the theme. After role play it was explained how patriarchy works in society, in each social institution. Then the origin of Patriarchy was explained by the Resource person.
Second session was held on “Gender discrimination” which explained the inequalities existing in society based on gender discrimination.
Third session was conducted on violation of rights. It was very well explained by Resource Person how patriarchy controls women’s mobility, sexuality, reproductively etc and how it affects on violation of rights of human being.
Fourth session was conducted on “ Division of Labour” in which exercise was conducted about the day in the life of men and women, the work done by them and the time required for each work which more specifically focused on productive and reproductive work done by men and women . And then value for domestic work for women is calculated. Through this session it was very well explained about the unequal division of labour among men and women the root cause of which is the patriarchal system.
Fifth session was conducted through street play by Resource Person about the “Movement of Women Empowerment in India and Legislations.”
Third Day:-
Third day started with Prayer and recap of the second day.
First session was conducted on “Access and Control over Resources”. In this session through question and answer the current situation about access, use, control and benefit of resources in case of women and men was analyzed. Then in the project to achieve gender equality it was correlated how to increase the women’s access, control, use and benefit of resources.
Second session was conducted on “Efforts towards gender equality”. In this session it was explained by the Resource Person what efforts should be taken at personal, family and community level to bring gender equality in the society.
Third session was conducted on “CAIM and Gender mainstreaming”. In this session it was explained by the resource person what could be the possible intervention for gender equality. Then the Gender Matrix prepared by Gender Expert was explained by to participants and discussed in detail.
The following are the detailed sessions conducted by the Resource Person;
Sr. No | Date | Session | Name of Resource Person |
1. | 05/01/2011 | Understanding Gender | Nirmala Sathe |
2. | Social Construction of Gender | Nirmala Sathe | |
3. | Construction of stereotypes by Feminity and Masculinity | Nirmala Sathe | |
4. | Understanding power and power game | Nirmala Sathe | |
5 | 06/01/2011 | Understanding Patriarchy | Nirmala Sathe |
6 | Gender Discrimination | Mohan Hirabai Hiralal | |
7 | Women and Violence | Mohan Hirabai Hiralal | |
8 | Violation of rights | Lata Pratibha Madhukar | |
9 | Division of Labour | Nirmala Sathe | |
10 | Access Vs Control over resources | Lata Pratibha Madhukar | |
11 | Women Empowerment and Legislations | Nirmala Sathe | |
12 | 07/01/2011 | Efforts towards Gender equality | Lata Pratibha Madhukar |
13 | CAIM & Gender Mainstreaming | Nirmala Sathe | |
14 | 08/01/2011 | Understanding Gender | Nirmala Sathe |
15 | Social Construction of Gender | Lata Pratibha Madhukar | |
16 | Construction of stereotypes by Feminity and Masculinity | Nirmala Sathe | |
17 | Understanding power and power game | Lata Pratibha Madhukar | |
18 | Violence and Women | Nirmala Sathe | |
19 | 09/01/2011 | Understanding Patriarchy | Nirmala Sathe |
20 | Gender Discrimination & violation of rights | Lata Pratibha Madhukar | |
21 | Division of labour | Lata Pratibha Madhukar | |
22 | 10/01/2011 | Access Vs Control over resources | Nirmala Sathe |
23 | CAIM & Gender Mainstreaming | Nirmala Sathe |