Convergence of Agricultural Interventions in Maharashtra
Start Up Workshop
Date 15th & 16th July 2010.
Venue: Dr. Punjabrao Deshmukh Probodhini Training Centre, Amravati
Day1 –
The day started with the registration of the participants consists of IFAD ICO officials, SRTT staff, PSC members, short listed NGO’s, Line Departments, NABARD officials, MAVIM Officials, Bankers, PMU PSU, & DPMT Staff (Around 130 participants).
After registration the session started with National anthem followed by the Inauguration of the workshop by lighting the lamp by the Hon’ble dignitaries and guest.
Hon. Project Director welcomed the IFAC ICO officials & Participants of the workshop by his welcome remarks.
Mr. Mattia Prayer Galletti in his keynote address explained the purpose of the startup workshop, rational of the project i.e.
o To reduce the farmers suicides
o Capacity building of the poorest of the poor and landless farmer.
o Need of addressing the common issues in agriculture with respect to quality, production, food security & profitability in agriculture.
o Further he explained the strategy of IFAD in enabling poor people to overcome the poverty.
He explained the eight principles to be followed by all the stakeholders in the project namely ownership, empowerment, sustainability, flexibility, convergence, partnership, commitment & targeting.
Further he raised major concerns such as identify sustainable livelihood activities, adequate marketing arrangements, linkages & convergence.
He emphasized that every subproject needs ensure the sustainability at the beginning.
After keynote address of Mr. Mattia, Hon’ble Project Director Mr. Nawin Sona gave detail presentation on overview and outline of CAIM programme; concepts, design, implementation arrangement including subprojects, expected output, outcome & impact.
Additional project Director made a details presentation on “Roles & Responsibilities of key Stakeholders & Programme Management”.
Mr. Amitanshu Choudhary of SRTT briefed about SRTT’s operations & its role in CAIM project.
Mr. Santosh Patil explained the roles and responsibilities of Maharashtra State Agriculture Marketing Board as Lead Programme Agency (LPA) for CAIM Programme. Followed by the presentation of Chaitnya (Shortlisted RNGOs of CAIM Programme).
Mrs. Sudha Kothari, Head of the Chaitnya gave detailed presentation on Roles and Responsibilities of RNGO/FNGO and their participation strategies. She further added that SHGs concepts strengthen in Maharashtra with IFAD assisted MRCP Project. Chaitnya’s federation model and Jankars has played very important role in community mobilization.
The floor was opened for questions from the participants and Mr. Mattia and Mr. N. Nawin Sona facilitated the session.
Second half of the first Day started with IFAD officials’ presentation, the first presentation was made by Mr. S. Sriram on Programme loan covenants, loan administration, fund flow, auditing and procurement. He explained an important dates for the programme
Approval of IFAD Executive Board April 2009
Programme Effectiveness 4 December 2009
Programme Completion date 31 December 2017
Programme Closing date 30 June 2018
Basic Documents that project should have with them
Programme Financing Agreement (and amendments)
Agreed Minutes of the Negotiations
Project Appraisal Report (Design document)
Co-financing Agreement
Disbursement Guidelines
IFAD Guidelines on Project Audit
IFAD Procurement Guidelines
Project Implementation Manual
Legally binding document for compliance
Modified/amended with mutual concurrence of Government/IFAD
Appraisal Report is only a road map for implementation; not binding
Compliance to Loan Covenants to be reported during each JRM
JRM recommendations shall be in line with the PLA
Programme need to Track the funds from different sources
Govt. of Maharashtra counterpart funds
SRTT Co-financed funds
Parallel financing from the State (convergence of existing Programmes)
Beneficiary contribution
Formal Financial Institutions
He highlighted the overview of procurement process, Contract Management, Audit Reports and Financial Statements and IFAD’s Policy on Anti-corruption and Fraud.
The next session by Mr. Shaheel Rafique, Implementation Support Specialist, IFAD ICO was on the overview of Monitoring and Evaluation, Result Impact Management Survey, Outcome Survey, and Annual Work plan and Budget.
Objectives of Monitoring and Evaluation System:
To support managing for project results by focusing on improvement of project performance by
Tracking progress of project outcome (intermediate impacts) and Impact based on data collected at baseline, mid-term and at the end-of-project;
Quarterly, half-yearly and annual monitoring of achievement of project outputs through the conversion of input to output against AWPB targets; and
Reflecting, learning and taking actions to improve performance to achieve results.
Monitoring and Evaluation Tools in IFAD Project
Logical Framework
Results and Impact Management System
Results Based Annual Work Plan and Budget
Annual Outcome Surveys
Multidimensional Poverty Assessment Tool (MPAT)
He also highlighted on the basis components of any MIS and broad steps for setting up M&E System.
Reporting Requirements
Half-yearly and Annually for First/Output Level Indicators:(period covered same as AWPB)
Second Level and Impact Indicators at Start of Project, at Mid-Term, at the End-of-Project
Format: Integrated Physical and Financial Reporting Formats developed by IFAD for all projects.
Ms. Ankita Handoo, Knowledge Management Specialists-IFAD ICO, gave a brief presentation on what Knowledge Management means to IFAD and its importance that
New INDIA COSOP – has clear emphasis on KM
Knowledge plays a central role in operationalizing the project strategy to achieve the project objectives.
KM also contributes significantly to Programme Management towards achieving project goals
KM for Advocacy and Policy dialogue
KM leads to providing timely information and knowledge to empower people in meeting their aspirations through the project
Knowledge Management Components
Strengthening learning processes and knowledge-sharing
Equipping IFAD with a more supportive knowledge-sharing and learning infrastructure
Fostering partnerships for broader knowledge-sharing and learning
Promoting a supportive knowledge-sharing and learning culture
Learning Process includes
Generation of new knowledge from external sources
Collection and analysis of data, experience and knowledge from the field
Systematic documentation of processes, success, learnings, impacts and challenges
Knowledge Sharing with various stakeholders in different forums by using different KS tools and methods
Disseminating knowledge - Dissemination of IFAD’s field knowledge with a larger audience.
The first two components i.e. Generation and Collection of data and analysis will be done by M&E and its systematic documentation, knowledge sharing will be done by KME.
How to integrate KM in the project
Formulate KM strategy based on the project log frame/results framework
Formulate KM action plan
KM action plan will translate into the AWPB with specific output/outcome and corresponding monitoring indicators
For the KM part of the AWPB allocate- Human and Financial resources
Adequate capacity building to staff
Development a KM infrastructure
The next session on Gender Mainstreaming was facilitated by Dr. Vincent Darlong, highlighting the IFAD strategy on Gender Mainstreaming.
Gender Mainstreaming: - Gender mainstreaming is an institutional transformation process that integrates efforts to achieve gender equality into the core of development activities. The approach requires specific consideration of the distinctive implications for men and women of resource allocations, policies, procedures, and institutional norms and structures. It is complementary to activities targeted specifically to women, which are also necessary in many situations.
Need of Gender Mainstreaming: - The programmes and projects that IFAD supports demonstrate that –when women’s assets and capabilities increase, women can become powerful agents of change in their communities. Women can indeed play critical roles in overcoming rural poverty and hunger. At IFAD we know that without women we will not achieve the First Millennium Development Goal. That is why gender equality and Women’s empowerment have always been at the core of IFAD’s efforts to reduce rural poverty. And one of the objectives of MDG3 is to “promote gender equality and empower women”.
Gender Budgeting:-Gender budgeting is a process that entails incorporating a gender perspective at various stages- planning, policy, programme formulation, need assessment of target groups, allocation of resources. Impact assessment and so on.
IFAD’s Gender Mainstreaming Principles :-
Expand women’s economic empowerment through access to and control over fundamental assets.
Strengthen women’s decision making role in community affairs and representation in local institutions.
Improve the knowledge and well-being of women’s workloads by facilitating women’s access to basic rural services and infrastructure.
Women’s Equity and Empowerment Framework: - which envisage the process from welfare to Control which leads to Equality and Empowerment.
SWOT analysis of gender mainstreaming and process and advocacy skill in Gender i.e. listening skill, questioning skill, facilitating skill, summarizing skill, reporting skill, communication skill, presentation skill and social skill etc.
Checklist for gender mainstreaming in detail including gender dimensions, gender related issues related to the sectoral area, gender issues in the gender geographical context, baseline sex disaggregated data etc. and the mainstreaming of these in M & E system.
Gender Performance Indicator: - Can be assessed by women’s change in conditions and change in positions. Women in Development approach leads to change in condition whereas Gender in Development approach leads to change in women’s position and which is the ultimate goal of gender mainstreaming.
Dr. Vincent Darlong summarized the discussion and floor opened for question and answers.
The Question answer session was facilitated by Mr. Mattia, Mr. N. Nawin Sona, Dr. Darlong, Mr. Amitanshu Choudhary.
Mr. Mattia Prayer Galleti concluded the day with his concluding remarks and Hon’ble PD, CAIM thanked him his valuable time and guidance and presented a momentum as token of love and appreciation from CAIM Programme.
Day 2
The second day started with a prayer, “Itni shakti hame dena data”
Dr. Vincent Darlong and Mr. Sudam Pawar did the recap of the Day 1 and participants divided into the working groups i.e. M&E, KM, Gender Mainstreaming and Finance Management.
Working Group 1: Gender Mainstreaming
Gender Mainstreaming working group was facilitated by Dr. Sangita Shete, Gender Expert, CAIM-PMU.
In the Gender mainstreaming group there were 17 participants including NGO representatives and DPMT staff. First of all buzz group discussion was conducted to check the knowledge of the participants about the concept and need of the gender mainstreaming. Then the detail orientation is made on following;
Concept of gender, Concept of gender mainstreaming, Need of gender mainstreaming
Gender Budgeting, Gender strategy, Gender action plan
After orientation participants were divided into four groups for group discussion on “CAIM’s strategy on gender mainstreaming”. Then each group made a presentation. Brainstorming exercise is conducted on the group presentations and the final strategy is formulated as below:
In the project 2, 86,800 families will be benefited. It will be strategy to include every woman of these families in the Self Help Groups.
50% participation of women in decision making positions i.e. in VDC. Also the participation of women in JLG and PC will be encouraged.
At local level women facilitator will be encouraged .i.e. sahayogini, master trainer.
Linkage with social security schemes of other departments.(health, education, insurance etc)
Gender Sensitization of-
PMU, PSU, DPMT,NGOs, Line Departments, Gram panchayat, Tantamukt samiti, Men and women of the selected villages
Establishment of Vishakha Samiti at PMU, DPMT and NGO level.
Appointment of gender focal person at PMU, DPMT and NGO level.
Dissemination of gender related information through news bulletin
Policy level Negotiations
Transfer of technology for drudgery reduction
“Kayada Saathi” at village level.
Recruitment of 50% women staff in PSU, PMU, DPMT and NGO.
Working Group 2: Finance Management
The session on Fiduciary and Procurement was facilitated by Mr. S. Sriram, IFAD ICO.
The following points discussed in detail
Finance Management
Better Loan Administration
Computerize Accounts
Charter of Accounts
Records: Assets, Contract Register
AWPB: Physical , Financial Targets
Budget Control (Max 100%)
Reporting Activities
SOE, Beyond SOE
MTR, Changes, Period
MOU with NGO
Fund Withdrawal, Methods
Audit, Role of IFAD, Audit Log
Uniform Formats
Allocation of Expenses, Withdrawal Application
AWPB for Goods and Services
Methods of Procurement
Technical and Financial Structure
Working Group 3: Knowledge Management
The working group on Knowledge Management was facilitated by Ms. Ankita Handoo, Knowledge Management Specialists, IFAD ICO.
Around 40 participants were present in this working group. This group did an ice breaker to introduce themselves with each other and then Ms. Ankita introduced the KM concept in detail in participatory way where participants explained what knowledge Management means to them? Once participants become comfortable with the common understanding of KM then the participants broke into 3 groups and did several exercises on KM.
All exercises were centered around KM Matrix
Knowledge Area
Who needs knowledge
What knowledge is needed
Who will provide this knowledge
How you will generate Knowledge: at Project level and at Community level
How you will store it
How Knowledge will be shared at project level and at Community level
Training needs at project level and at community level to capture best practices, case studies, lessons learnt. For effective KM
Limitation for KM
Possible solutions
This exercise was done for Livestock improvement, Organic farming and storage management.
The participants suggested that
All formats should be shared with its stakeholders for their feedback before actual data collection.
Validation should be confirmed with the guidelines
There should be Workshop on how to capture Best practices, case studies, lessons learnt
Develop learning system
KM Plan can be prepared and finalized in the KM workshop and should be submitted till October, 2010.
The working Group 4: Monitoring and Evaluation
This group was facilitated by Mr. Shaheel Rafique on Monitoring and Evaluation and Annual work plan and Budget.
Around 30 Participants were present in this working group. Mr. Shaheel Rafique explained the concept monitoring and evaluation means to IFAD & explained about the formulation and it’s use how to start M&E system for the project.
One needs to understand the types of inputs are required for a particular activity and once activities are identified one can measure the output and subsequently the outcome.
M&E Plan should address the following aspects
Who will monitor
What will be monitored
Who will do the evaluation
Who will analyze
For baseline survey we need to identify the village within project and villages outside the project.
In first year project can maintain the MIS manually and after gaining actual experience then suitable software can be developed.
The basic tools for M&E would be
Logical Framework
Project staff need to be trained and there is need to build their capacities and IFAD has proposed training for KM & M&E in September, 2010 and the information on same will be conveyed to the project.
The afternoon session of the second day started with presentation by Ms. Roopa Mistry, MAVIM on the Ideas of convergence between MAVIM and CAIM.
Mr. Santosh Patil made a Need based detailed presentation on “Agricultural Produce Pledge Loan Scheme” and explained the importance, ease of implementation of the scheme and immediate returns to farmers along with the illustrations in context of programme districts.
CAIM programme will be benefited from the lesson learnt, best practices and case studies within MAVIM. The existing infrastructure and Human resources of MAVIM at all level will be comparative advantage for CAIM.
Actual model on sub sector project presentation by Mr. Subhas Tamboli, Executive Director, AFRAM which helped other NGOs to understand how to develop subproject under CAIM.
All working Groups made presentation on their exercise to the participants and shared their learning.
After Action Review was conducted to understand the feedback of participants and this session was facilitated by the Ms. Ankita Handoo, KMS, IFAD ICO
Following are the observations
What worked well
Young and youths participations in workshop, interest level of participants was high
All are interested in project success
Informative sessions and gave conceptual clarity on implementation
Groups discussions: Good + Helpful
Balance between presentation and lectures was good and participatory
Lot of interest among the group
IFAD team is very supportive
Food was good
End-to-End project presentation was good
What Didn’t not worked well
Venue arrangement can be further improved
Reduce the number of presentations and content in one slide
Sessions were not clear because of language constraints
There should not parallel session, if parallel sessions then more participants should be allowed from one organization
More interaction should be with implementation partners
Speed up the implementation at the field.
Hon’ble Project Director urged, in his concluding remarks on this two day workshop, to make this programme a successful one. He thanked all IFAD team for their continuous support and enthusiasm in project implementation. He further added that we must learn these things from IFAD ICO.
Dr. Darlong in his concluding remarks said that you all are the part of IFAD family and we will be always there to help you, whenever you need our help.
Mr. Dilipsing Bayas, Knowledge Management Expert, CAIM-PMU expressed the vote of thanks to all the participants for their active participation and for sharing knowledge.